JTValero: In using Emmedue Panel as an innovative house building system

The JTValero team will build a two-storey house with roof deck. In this project we are not using hollow blocks for the wall and upper floor but instead we’ll gonna  be using   M2 Panel Emmedue brand. This is our first time that we’ll use  this kind of materials and using this kind of panel is the new innovation nowadays. It is light, fire resistant, earthquake resistant  even cyclone resistant yet sustainable  with environmental impact. Definitely, executing this project is challenging but with the  hard work of my team and the support of our client, we’ll be able to complete this project successfully.

Here are some pictures  on how  the  JTValero team had  executed the slab work.  Our concrete mixer did not function so the team decided to do it manually. There  were  14 people who worked  together just to finish it within a night. Thanks to the team for the effort. Curing for more than a week we can start to install the M2 Panel. The challenge is there but we know we can do it.



If you want us to build your house/building never hesitate to contact Engr. Jess now at 0995-657-5523. For more info you may like our FB  page @JTValeroConstructionandServices

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